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Full text of 'It all.^^JJJUIO) fa Capital t^I I ':».„«-.' Property or home ofUM-McRae CoIled® Archiveswmmmmm.mmLees - McRaé Isthe management,teachers, studentsCARSON Collection /^■■■■CBANNER ELK, D. 28604r ur% w,'w,':■: oBffi.CBS'h Charles Kuralt, in his go to to the college and region, took time to appreciate an evening's angling with Dr.

Ted Ledford.Mentor Johnny Majors talks with learners; at right, Dr. Evans cóngratu-lates Homecoming Princess or queen Judy Osborne.Dennis Agajanian per-Nathan Simon, ARA Manager, and buddies or types at college pro-dinner? Grám.1-Mki«C.^ testosterone levels.

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■.:. -;:■-Frances KiepperHousemotherLois LindséyHousemotherEd BentleyCampus SecurityAdministration/Personnel 31Millie H. WisemanRegistrarRichard JacksonLibrarianB.A., West Carolina Uni-versity; M.A., College or university ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Mountain.Donese PreswoodAssistant LibrarianB.S i9000., M.A.Appalachian State School.32 Administration/StaffirVLibby FarthingSecretary, Academics AffairsEvelyn HallLibrary AssistántLinda HolshouserLibrary AssistantLouise JacksónLibrary AssistantAdministration/Staff 33William B. FarthingVice Chief executive of DevelopmentB.S. Appalachian State UniversityDonald L. BakerDirector of Open public RelationsA. A., Lees-McRae University; B.A.,East Tennessee State University.Everett M.

Jr.Helper Directorof DevelopmentB.Beds. Milligan College; M.Ed., Vlrgia Polytechnic Institute; E.H., Geo ePeabody College for Teachers.DEVELOPMENTPUBLIC RELATIONSALUMNI34 Adminlslratlon/StaffWfffltw^jksmAlumnus of the 12 months Don Masters fIanked by Dr. Lawson Taté,and Alumni Us president Costs Cochran.Sam S i9000. VickeryDirector of Alumni AffairsA. A new., Lees-McRae University; B.S., Davidson CollegeAlumnus ánd long-time Bóbcat trainer Fred I actually. Dickerson receives NJCAAaward at annual alumni conference.

Lawson Tate, John McEwen,whom Dickerson trained and afterwards became associate to Dickerson; ánd Dr.Evans.Joycé BakerSecretary, Public RelationsJoanne FranklinSecretary, Open public RelationsFrankie NeedhamSecretary, DeveIopmentMarion RogersSecretary, Alumni AffairsAdministratión/Staff members 35BOARDOFTRUSTEESJames N. Garland, ChairmanBoard of TrusteesGastonia, North Carolina36 TrusteesJohn R. California king, Vice ChairmanKlngsport, TennesseeSam L. Anderson, Junior.Kingsport, TennesseeWilliam BaIesMorristown, TennesseeWesley CollinsLenoir, Northern CarolinaMrs.

Harriet CromartieFayetteville, Northern CarolinaH. Jack FawHickory, North CarolinaW. Erwin Fuller, Jr.Greensboro, Northern CarolinaMrs. AIice Wright HaleRogersville, TénnesseeBruce Edward cullen Hathaway, Sr.Great Point, Northern CarolinaJ. Seeker, Junior.Greensboro, Northern Carolina Trustees 37Dr.

JacksonBoone, Northern CarolinaMrs. Cynthia KirkmanWinston-Salem, North CarolinaS. McAshanHouston, Texas Linville, Northern CarolinaMrs. Roma MeltonBanner Elk, Northern CarolinaJames A. MitchellKingsport, TennesseeRobert M.

PittmanNaples, FloridaJames W. Taylor38 Trustees Sh « lb y- North CaroIinarSam VlckeryNorth Wllkesboro, Nórth CarolinaMrs. Jean WiIliamsJacksonville, Floridaand Linville, North CarolinaGeorge Michael. McCallDenver, Northern CarolinaJames Michael. McCarlLenoir, Northern CarolinaDr. McKeithen, Junior.Clinton, North CarolinaStanley P. PorterPinehurst, North Carolinaand Linvllle, North CarolinaDr.

Shaw, IIIJohnson Town, TennesseeW. SherrillSalisbury, North CarolinaJohn H. WilliamsTulsa, OklahomaNot pictured: A. Viles, Newton, Northern Carolina.Adam G. WillisLlnville, North CarolinaDr. WoodKingsport, Tn Trustees 39Lloyd Mahaffey. Chairman, Board of Advisors, and Expenses Farthing, Vice Presidentfor Advancement, at yearly conference.Congressman James BroyhillWashington.

Adam BroyhillWashington, DC40 AdvisorsJames Watts. Sam Andérson, Sr.Kingsport, TNCharIes BelissaryMyrtle Seaside, SCRichmond Bernhardt, Jr.GreensboroMrs.

Keep BreidenthalBanner ElkMrs. CarI BrinkleyLexingtonBOARD OF ADVIS0RSGeorge CampbellFlat RockMrs. Géorge CampbellFlat RockDr. CIarence CarderJohnson Town, TNMrs.

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Clarence CarderJohnson Town, TNJames L. Costs CochranConcordWiley M. IllRaleighSteve CummingsWilsonG. NeiI DanielsGreensboroDr. DavisHigh PóintAdvisors 41Mrs.

DavisHigh PointMr. FoleyGreenville, SCFelix U. GeeLexingtonBarrett GilmerBanner EIkMrs. Barrett GilmerBanner EIkAdm. GloverColumbus, GABOARD 0F ADVISORSJulian HeathBanner EIkMrs. Julian HeathBanner EIkJohn Capital t. HenleyRaleighJohn L.

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HibbltsKernersvillePast GovernorJames E. HolshouserSouthern Pines42 AdvisorsRufus EdmlstenRaleighH. Evans, Sr.Morristown, TNMrs. Evans, Sr.Morrlstown, TNMrs. Jack port FawHickoryl Lt. Jimmy GreenRaleighRev.

Joé HartleyLinvilleMrs. Bruce HáthawayHigh PointDr. Harvard, iiaDurhamN0T PICTURED: Mr. Bill Anderson, Hollywood, FL; Mrs.

SamAnderson, Jr., Kingspórt, TN; Mrs. Marión Asbill, Asheboro; Mr. And Mrs.Waightstill Avery, Jr., Plumtree; Mrs. Bill Bales, Mórristown, TN; Mrs. FayeBeaI, Lenoir; Mrs. Richmónd Bernhardt, Jr., Greensboro; Dr. WardBreidenthal, Banner Elk; Jordan Broome, CharIotte; Mrs.

Mary Cáin,Linville; Mrs. Carsón, Charlotte; Sen.

The BIT.TRIP series comes full-circle with BIT.TRIP FLUX, CommanderVideo's final adventure. Get ready for classic paddle-based gameplay as CommanderVideo returns to the source. Whether a hardened BIT.TRIP veteran or a brave new contender, you'll be faced with new challenges that will make even the most experienced BIT.TRIPPERS weep. BIT.TRIP FLUX, the final entry in the BIT.TRIP series, is a return to the paddle-based gameplay that started it all. Whether a hardened BIT.TRIP veteran or a brave new contender, you'll be faced with new challenges that will make even the most experienced BIT.TRIPPERS weep. Bit.Trip Flux is the final adventure for CommanderVideo. MAC- Not Reviewed Metacritic 81 User Avg. This week we take a look at the final saga in the Bit.Trip series, some crazy demos,. /bit-trip-flux-for-mac.html. The BIT.TRIP series comes full circle with BIT.TRIP FLUX, CommanderVideo's final adventure. Grab your Wii Remote controller and get ready for classic paddle-based game play as CommanderVideo returns to the source.

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Cávanagh,Winston-SaIem; Mrs. Cawood, NashviIle, TN; Mr. JohnCollier, Banner ad Elk; Mrs. WesIey Collins, Lenoir; Mister. Albert Cox,Sanford; Dr. Douglas Crockett, Johnson Town, TN; Mrs. StéveCummings, Wilson; Harry Dumónt, Asheville; Mr.

Fairfax,Charlotte; Tom Forbes, Roan Mountain, TN; Mr. Tony Lot of money,Banner Elk; Mister. Powell Fraser, Hilton Mind Island, SC; Mrs.

ErwinFuIler, Greensboro; Mrs. GarIand, Gastonia; Mister. LeeGarrison, Charlotte; Mrs. Gee, Lexington; Dr. CharlesGibboney, Bristol, TN; Mister. Goodson, SheIby; Mrs. JimmyGreen, RaIeigh; Rev.

James Hale, Rogersville, TN; Mister. And Mrs.Charles H.

Harrell, Sr., Support Olive; Mrs. Harvard, Durham; Mister.and Mrs. DonaId Havlish, Hilton Head Isle, SC; Mrs. Henley,Raleigh; Mr. Charles Herndon, IV, Johnson City, TN; Mrs.

John J.Hibbits, KernersviIle; Mrs. Howard Hóuck, Morganton; Mister.

HolshouserSouthern PinesHoward HouckMorgantonW. Claude JonesBristol, TNAdvisors 43Mrs.

MacDonaldLinvilleLloyd MahaffeyCharlotteBOARD OF ADVISORSMrs. McLeodReidsvilleDoug MeadAshevilleWayne M.

MillerLenoirRobert MorganLillingtonThomas 0gburnNorth WilkesboroRalph PattersonClintonElbert D. Peters, Jr.RaleighMr. OHn PurvisDarIington, SC44 AdvisorsSamuel MaloneyDavidsonDr. Richard McGarryBanner ElkWilliam Y. McLeodReidsvilleHunt, Charlotte; Mister. Ray Seeker, Sanford; Mister.

Fred R.Isaacs, Franklin, TN; Mrs. James Jackson, Boone; Mrs. David Keck,Denver; Mr.

Keith, Weber City, Veterans administration; Mrs. Ruler,Kingsport, TN; Rev. Mark Knisley, Kingsport, TN; Mr. And Mrs.Mark L.

Lawrence, Ramséur; Mrs. Pitser Lyóns, III, Georgia, GA; Mister. Franklin Mabry, SheIby; Mrs. Lloyd Mahafféy, CharIotte; Dr. And Mrs.Warren Martinsón, Charlotte; Mister. Don Experts, Greensboro; Mrs.S i9000.

McAshan, Houston, Texas; Mrs. Rick McGarry, Banner Elk; Mrs.Léighton McKeithen, Clinton; Mister.

Don McKenzie, BIackMountain; Mrs. Sallie Lindséy McQueen, Statesville; CaIeb Melton, BannerEIk; Mrs. Mitchell, Kingspórt, TN; Mrs. Robért Morgan,Lillington; Mister. Albert Myers, Junior., Gastonia; Mister. DennisMyers, Charlotte; Dr.

Nordstrom, Banner ad Elk; Mrs. Thomas Ogburn,North Wilkesboro; Mrs. RaIph Patterson, CIinton; Mrs.

Elbert Péters, Jr.,Raleigh; Mrs. Robert Phifer, Morganton; Mr. Ranny Phillips,Booné; Mrs. Pittman, Naples, FL; Mr.

Stage,Kingspórt, TN; Mrs. Stán Porter, Dallas, Texas; Harris Prevost, Linville; Dr.and Mrs. Ray, Bristol, TN; Mr. Wayne Rigby,Kingsport, TN; Mister. Harry Robbins, Blowing Rock; Mister. And Mrs.Spencer Robbins, Blowing Rock; Mister.

Carroll Rogers, Spruce Pine.i Mrs. Margarét Mortii«»rNewlandMrs. Wéyburn MyersGranite FallsPaul NeaIBanner ElkMrs. John NealBanner ElkMrs.

Marion NebelCharlotteMrs. PhillipsSpruce PineMr.

RankinKingsport, TNMr. RenzDunwoody, GAAdvisors 45Dl. RheaKingsport, TNMrs. CarroIl RoneyBanner ElkGeorge G. SellsJohnson City, TNMrs. SellsJohnson Town, TNMrs. Sudie English StoppardSpruce PineMrs.

CIaude SwankNaples, FLJim SwordBannér ElkMrs. Jim SwordBannér ElkLantz SykesGreensboroBOARD 0F ADVISORSRev. UnderwoodRaleighBen Elizabeth.

WallRutherfordtonMrs Bill Elizabeth. WarrenLake Junaluska46 AdvisorsMrs.

Louise SellsJohnson Town, TNMrs. Mimi SénterMorristown, TNRon ShaninHuntsvIlle, TXMrs. Juanlta ShomakérBanner ElkDr. Jule SpachWinstón-SalemDr. Lawson TatéBanner ElkMrs. Lawson TatéBanner ElkMr. Wayne Macintosh TeeterHickoryRev.

Leslie TuckerBeImontMrs. Carroll Roney. Banner ad Elk; Mr.

Scott, II,Matthéws; Mrs. Shaw, Jóhnson City, TN; Mrs. Sherrill,Salisbury; Mrs. Clifford Shirley, Montreat; Mr. Shivell, Sr.,Kingsport, TN; Mister. Shoffner, Savannah, GA; Mr.

Simpson, Boone; Rév. Sommers,FayetteviIle; Mrs. Jule Spách, Winston-Salem; Mister. Jack port Spiers,Charlotte; Mister. Jim Storie, Statesville; Mr. Nelson Storle,Blowing Stone; Mrs.

Lantz Sykés, Greensboro; Mrs. TayIor,Shelby; Mister. Thomas, Winston-Salem; Mister. And Mrs.Thómas Thompson, SheIby; Mrs.

Leslie Tuckér, Belmont; Mrs. EugéniaTufts, Nashville, TN; Rév. Harold Turner. Banner Elk; Mrs. L.M.Underwood, RaIeigh; Mrs.

Sam Vickéry, North Wilkesboro; Mrs. Viles,Newton; Mrs.

Jeffrey Wampler, Barium Suspension systems; Cock Weaver, Greensboro;Mister. Dollar Wellborn, Boone; Mr. Whalen, Jr.,Morristown, TN; Mister. Hoke Whisnant, Hickory; Mister. And Mrs.Meredith Light, Windsor; Mrs. Mark Williams, Tulsa, OK; Wilson Williams,Linville; Mrs. James Willis, Winston-Salem; Mr.

David Wilson,Pineola; Mister. Plato Wilson, Large Stage; Mrs. Gordon WinkIer,Boone; Dr. Cartér Wiseman, NewIand; Dr. Woelfel,Banner ad Elk; Mrs. Hardwood, Kingsport, TN; ánd Mrs.

Betty Wóodson,Thomasville, GA.CharIes WebbStatesboro, GAMrs. CharIes WebbStatesboro, GAMr. lrving WeinerNeed ham, MAMs.

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